
Showing posts from January, 2021


WHAT IS NETWORK TOPOLOGY? —   Network Topology is the pattern used to arrange nodes or devices of the network. —   It defines the path used by devices for communication TYPES OF NETWORK TOPOLOGIES WIRED TOPOLOGY —   In wired topology devices are connected with the help of wires. —   Types of wired topologies are: Ø   Bus Topology           Ø   Ring Topology                 Ø   Star Topology Ø   Mesh Topology BUS TOPOLOGY —   In bus Topology all devices are connected by a single cable with the help of special connectors called BNC connectors or T connectors. ADVANTAGES OF BUS TOPOLOGY —   Since it uses only a single cable for the connection it is very simple and cheap —   Failure of computer doesn’t affect the communication network —   Easy to install —   Addition of a new device is easy. DISADVANTAGES OF BUS TOPOLOGY —   Since it uses only a single cable for the connection it is very simple and cheap. —   Failure of Backbone cable will lead to w


WHAT IS NETWORK? —   A network is a collection of computers, servers, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data. —    An example of a network is the  Internet , which connects millions of people all over the world. FIRST NETWORK —   A dvanced R esearch P rojects A gency N etwork ( ARPANET ) was the first operational computer network, developed by US Advanced Research Project Agency BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION OF   NETWORKS —   Network Type depends upon the size of network how much area does the network cover. TYPES OF NETWORKS PAN —   LAN —   WLAN —   CAN —   MAN —   SAN —   WAN PAN —   PAN stands for P ersonal A rea N etwork. —   PAN is used for connecting small devices such as laptops, smart phones, tablets with the help of Bluetooth, NFC, Infrared. —   PAN is generally used for transferring small files between devices like music, documents, etc LAN —   LAN stands for L ocal A rea N etwor

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